All You Need to Ask Your Stationer
Choosing your stationer can be very difficult. Every stationer has a different style, look and design ideas.
They also have different price ranges, from your very simple invitation starting at about £2.50, to a more complicated design with lots of inserts at about £12.50, or more!
But what to ask and where to start can often be a mystery. I’ve collected as much research as I can to help you through the minefield that is wedding stationary.
Top Questions:
- Can I see a sample?
Samples of work are essential! They will show you how much time and care your stationer will take over your invitations and also what sort of styles they have on offer.
They will have samples of work at wedding fayres and exhibits, but even so, ask for samples of the invitations in your colours.
- Who should the be the host?
That’s really a question you should answer. Generally, the people who host the wedding are the ones paying the lion share. Visit my post on example wording for your invitations for ideas on how to address your invitations.
- When should I send out my invitations?
In the olden days wedding invitations go outsix weeks before your wedding. That is all good and well if you’re inviting people from your area, but if you’re inviting anyone who will at least need to stay the night, you need to give them time to book hotels, make travel arrangements and book babysitters!
- How many invitations should I order?
For 108 guests, I ordered 70 invitations. Most of my guests were coming with a partner or a plus one, so they would share an invitation.
Remember to buy extra invitations in case you change you guest list and in case of any mistakes. Try to group your guests in terms of invitations, so families and friends on the same invite, eg Joe Bloggs, Jane Bloggs, Child Bloggs and Other Child Bloggs.
- Do I really need RSVP’s?
And also, do you put a postage stamp on your RSVP’s? This is all down to personal choice. Wedding guests are perfectly capable to return their own RSVP’s and to even put a stamp on it, however I think it’s nice to include your own RSVP with a stamp, if you can afford it.
- What about additional information?
It’s usual to find additional information on inserts. You can ask your stationer if they will provide inserts or you could pick up some nice paper from WHSmiths (or a similar shop) to make your own.
A website is another good way of providing additional information for guests. They can send their RSVP and select their menu choices via a website.
- Will I have a sample before I make my final order?
Most stationers should provide you with a finished sample of your invitation before they begin making them. Make sure you check your proof very carefully as once you’ve approved your proof, the invitations will be made.
I think that covers all the main questions. You could ask questions about menus and orders of service. You will need to know how many menus to have per person, and how many orders of service. You’ll also need to ask about when the information for the orders of service.
Other than that, you’re all sorted!
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